Arm Lift

Achieve Firm, Attractive Arms with Brachioplasty

arm lift

Brachioplasty (arm stretching surgery) is performed to remove arm sagging. If you want to dress the way you want in the summer or if you are uncomfortable with the sagging arm image, you can examine the information provided below about arm lift surgery in detail. In addition, arm lift surgery gives your arm an attractive aesthetic appearance and strong arm lift support.

What is body contouring?

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) surgery is an aesthetic operation to remove thickening and sagging in the upper area of the arm. Due to weight loss and aging, an increase in fat tissue and excess of skin may occur in the upper area of the arm. The Arm Lift is called to correct the bat-wing-like appearance formed in the arm with surgical intervention due to the stretch of skin.

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benefits of arm lift

What benefits does arm lift offer?

Arm lift surgery helps improve the appearance of the arms and makes them look younger. Moreover, many people feel happier about their arms, especially when wearing short-sleeved or sleeveless clothing. Arm lift surgery helps to increase confidence and self-esteem by providing a more toned and sculpted appearance.

After arm lift surgery, clothing can fit better and look more flattering, as the excess skin and fat that can cause bulges and folds are removed.

Who should prefer arm lift surgery?

For people who have lost the elasticity of the arm skin, arm lift aesthetics can be applied. Genetic factors, weight gain or sagging arms due to aging can also be applied to underarm stretching.

benefits of arm lift
preperation before arm lift

Preparation before arm lift surgery

Before undergoing the procedure, there are certain recommended factors to consider to reduce the risk of complications:

  • You should avoid taking medication without first consulting with your doctor.
  • You should stop smoking.
  • You should refrain from herbal treatment methods without consultation.

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How is arm lift surgery performed?

Brachioplasty is usually performed under a general anesthetic and may take up to three hours. The medical practitioner makes a cut on the inner surface of your upper arm from the armpit to the elbow. Extra fat is removed with liposuction, which involves the insertion of a thin tube into the fat deposit. The fat is vacuumed out with a large syringe. The underlying muscle is tightened with stitches to smooth and define the shape of the upper arm, the extra skin is cut away and the cuts are sewn back with stitches.

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Recovery after arm lift surgery

You should not lift your arms higher than shoulder level in the first month after the procedure. You should avoid heavy exercise and physical activity for up to two months after the procedure. When needed, only use the pain medications prescribed by your doctor and avoid using different medications without consultation.

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Why should you choose Turkey for arm lift surgery?

Turkey is seen as the number one choice among patients abroad. The reason is that patients who come to Turkey are treated without any problems. Another reason for this is that in the health field of Turkey, quality service and modern medical technology are used by surgeons. And besides that, personalized and diverse treatments are offered to patients.

How much does arm lift/brachioplasty surgery cost In Turkey?

Costs of arm lift surgery vary depending on the method used in arm lift surgery and the need for a liposuction procedure. That price includes the surgeon’s fee and anesthesia. The cost may vary depending on the surgeon you choose and their experience level.

Candidates: People who have sagging on their arm
Procedure: A major plastic surgery operation used for skin to remove in the lower part of the arm
Duration: 1-3 hours
Stay: 1 day in the case of general anaesthesia
Anesthesia: General or local
Recovery: 1-2 weeks
Exercise: Should be avoided for the first six weeks following the surgery
Scars: It takes about 1-2 months for the scars to heal
Pain: Mild


How Long Does the Arm Lift Surgery Recovery Process Take?

The healing process after an arm lift operation varies from person to person. This may be fast or slow. Mild levels of swelling and bruising may be seen in the area where the operation is performed. These bumps and bruises get lost on their own in a short time. Although the area of application is narrow, as it is a surgical procedure, the healing process and normalization of scars can take 1-2 months. During this time, heavy and power-intensive activities should be stopped.

Do the Scars Remain After Arm Lift Surgery?

Patients interested in arm lift/brachioplasty surgery should be aware of the fact that the surgery leaves a scar, which is an unavoidable part of the procedure. It can take 1 year for arm lift scars to mature. However, with proper care and management, these scars can be minimized and become less visible over time.

What Is The Difference Between A Mini Arm Lift And An Arm Lift?

The standard arm lift removes more skin and fat, you will have a scar running from the elbow to the armpit. The mini arm lift will only have a scar under the armpit, so it will be far less visible.
