Hip replacement
Relieving arthritis pain, restoring mobility

Hip replacement surgery is the removal and replacement of parts of the pelvis and femur (thigh bone) that make up the hip joint. It is commonly used to treat hip pain and stiffness caused by hip arthritis.
This operation is often performed to reduce pain and increase mobility in those who have hip osteoarthritis symptoms that haven’t improved with non-surgical treatment.

What is hip replacement surgery?
Hip replacement surgery (hip arthroplasty) covers removing a broken or diseased hip joint and replacing it with an artificial implant. This may be made of plastic, metal, or ceramic pieces.
This surgery is also used to address injuries such as a fractured or incorrectly developing hip, as well as other disorders.
In which cases is hip replacement surgery performed?
Who can have hip replacement?
In which cases is hip replacement surgery performed?
Hip replacement surgery is typically indicated when the hip joint is worn or damaged, limiting motion and producing pain even while resting.
The most common reason for hip replacement surgery is osteoarthritis. Other conditions that may cause hip joint damage include:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Hip fracture
- Septic arthritis
- Disorders that cause unusual bone growth (bone dysplasias)
How do you know if you need a hip replacement?In which cases is hip replacement surgery performed?
If you have any of the following symptoms, you can think about getting a hip replacement:
- You have severe hip pain, swelling, and stiffness, and your movement is limited.
- Your hip pain is so severe that it interferes with your quality of life and sleep;
- Routine tasks, such as shopping or getting out of the bath, are difficult or impossible;
- You are depressed as a result of the pain and loss of mobility, and you are unable to work or maintain a social life.
What are the benefits of hip replacement surgery?
Proponents of anterior hip replacement surgery believe it offers several advantages, including:
Less damage to major muscles
Less post-operative pain
Faster recovery
Fewer post-surgical precautions
Preparing for hip replacement surgery
Hip replacement surgery preparation begins weeks before the treatment.
Here are a few suggestions for you to prepare for your surgery:
Do your research and find the most suitable surgical team based on your condition and budget.
Discuss what to expect from the surgery with your surgeon and the other healthcare members.
Take your time to relax in the days leading up to surgery. Well-practiced forms of relaxation like positive visualizations, breath work, and mindful movement can be helpful.
To lower the chance of complications, try to lose weight and, if possible, quit smoking.
Stay active and do any strength-building activities recommended by your doctor.
Ask for help with household activities such as groceries, meal preparation, and cleaning.
Make sure your home is as safe and accessible as possible for you to heal properly. Move commonly used goods to easy-to-reach areas, eliminate clutter, think about obtaining a raised toilet seat, and so on.
You can try to find people who had hip replacement surgery before and ask for their advice.
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How is hip replacement surgery performed?
Hip replacement surgery can be done as a total or hemi/semi(half) replacement. Joint replacement orthopedic surgery is typically performed to ease arthritic discomfort or in the case of some hip fractures.
Types of hip replacement surgery:
With a total hip replacement (also known as total hip arthroplasty), a portion of the pelvis and the head of the thighbone are completely removed. They are replaced with femoral head and socket imitation implants. In order to secure the replacement head, a metal rod is placed into the femur.
Partial hip replacement (also known as hemiarthroplasty) entails replacing only one side of the hip joint (the femoral head) rather than both sides as is the case with total hip replacement. This treatment is usually performed on elderly individuals who have suffered a hip fracture.
The surgery can be done under a general anesthetic or a spinal anesthetic. Depending on your condition, you may have an epidural which is similar to the spinal anesthetic.
The surgery usually takes 1,5-2 to finish.
The exact cost of the service at our clinic
3 000 TL
How long does it take to recover from a hip replacement?
After surgery, your rehabilitation will start the day after. Typically, a hospital stay lasts three to five days. As the days pass, you will walk farther and more frequently. Depending on your overall health and other variables, you may need two to eight weeks for a full recovery.
Make sure you follow any special instructions given by your doctor, which may include:
Don't engage in activities until you are allowed to do so. Walking with a cane, walker, or crutches can help you feel more secure on your feet.
Wash the wound twice a day and gently massage it with moisturizer. Try to keep the leg elevated whenever you can. Sit on firm sofas or high-backed chairs.
Eat a well-balanced diet rich in fiber and iron and drink lots of water.
Remove any furniture, rugs, or cables that could potentially make you fall in your home.
You will receive instructions on how to take care of your wounds and shower. Keep in mind that you will probably have a scar from this surgery even with good care.
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What can you do to maintain the health of your new hip?
With care, your new hip should last well. However, there may be a few lifetime precautions given by your doctor to maintain your health:
Avoid bending your hip more than 90° during any activity.
Do not cross your legs.
Avoid low chairs and toilet seats.
Avoid twisting your hip.
Do not spin around on the ball of your foot.
Why should you choose Turkiye for hip replacement surgery?
There are a few reasons why you should have your surgery in Turkiye:
Medical procedures in Turkiye can be more affordable due to the differences in currency exchanges, even when travel fees are considered.
In addition, Turkiye has grown increasingly popular for medical tourism due to its well-equipped hospitals and skilled healthcare givers. Turkiye has invested a lot in its healthcare infrastructure, making it an attractive option for people seeking high-quality treatment at a lower cost.
What is the ideal age for hip replacement?
Hip replacement surgery, which has no upper age limit, is suitable for anyone who has completed bone development.
Can hip prothesis be performed bilaterally?
Bilateral hip prosthesis can be performed on people who do not have heart or lung-related health problems and who are not over 80 years old. Otherwise, it may be appropriate to have the prosthesis made for both sides in separate periods and at least 3 months apart.
What should be the sleeping position after hip replacement surgery?
It is recommended to sleep on your back in the first periods after hip replacement surgery. People who cannot get comfortable on their back and those who have had unilateral surgery can lie on their side which doesn’t have a hip prosthesis by placing a pillow between their legs.
How many years does a hip prosthesis last?
Although the lifespan of a hip prosthesis is generally between 20-30 years, it may vary depending on the person's lifestyle and care.
What can I do to extend the life of a hip prosthesis?
To prolong the life of your hip prosthesis, you can take care to eat a regular and well-balanced diet, keep the immune system strong to protect the body from infections, regularly do all the exercises recommended by the physician performing the operation, and maintain the ideal weight.
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